On February 27, 2023, Mr. Zhou Gen, a lawyer of Guangdong Lawroom Law Firm and the director of Shenzhen Lawyer Association's Guarantee Law Committee, was invited by Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (SPD Bank) Shenzhen Branch to deliver a lecture on the theme of "The Impact and Response of the New Guarantee Regulations of Civil Code on Credit Risk Management".
In the Seminar, Mr. Zhou explained the convergence and application of the updated regulations of the Civil Code and the main changes of the new regulations of guarantee. He illustated relevant cases of guarantee in practice in credit business. His lecture mainly covered the following nine aspects: mortgage and lease, mortgage and right of residence, rules of transfer of mortgage, protection of interests of normal business buyer, priority of price, company's external guarantee, borrowing new to repay old, pledge of receivables, and guarantor's right of recovery. The purpose of this seminar is to assist bank managers in understanding the impact of the new guarantee regulations and being able to provide sound response solutions.
The seminar was a great success with the support of SPD Bank.